我是一个自信的 倡导者( INFJ-A )。如果您研究过性格理论,您可能会相当准确地理解这意味着什么,即您合理地期望我具有的性格特征。但如果您对我有更深的了解,您很快就会意识到我有一个特别强的判断特质。
当您参加我们的免费性格测试时,您的结果将以每种特征的百分比给出。这是因为“聊斋志异”测量的是决定您性格类型的特征。例如,一些测试结果为 51%外向的人有时可能会觉得他们需要暂时离开社交圈。也就是说,他们具有一些 内向的特质。其他人的测试结果可能为 65% 自信,这意味着他们可能有时会表现出一些动荡的倾向。对于我们测量的五个特征中的每一个,情况都是如此。
就我而言,我的判断特质占比为97% 。这意味着我的性格与探索性特质相差无几。
1. 他们有能力
在我们的“无聊”调查中,近 80% 的“探索型”特质受访者表示,他们经常或非常经常感到无聊,而“判断型”特质的受访者只有 60% 多一点。有趣的是,超过一半的“判断型”特质受访者承认,即使有很多事情要做,他们也会感到无聊。
The ability to just be, even with a million things on your to-do list, is worth emulating for the sake of mental well-being.
2. Their Flexible Approach to Planning
Nearly 90% of Judging personality types report that they do their best to anticipate and plan for potential changes in the future. Less than 60% of Prospecting types, however, are likely to answer the same. This statistic points to a certain amount of flexibility and a “take it as it comes” approach to life that seems common to Prospecting personalities.
I, for one, tend to get really stressed out about changes to my plans – and the more last minute those changes happen, the worse it is. As ridiculous as it might sound to Prospecting types, “last minute” to someone with a strong Judging trait like me can easily refer to three months away. Okay, I’ll admit that I’m exaggerating (but not by much).
Prospecting types, while not immune to this kind of “planning” stress, are dramatically less likely to fall victim to it. These personalities are also less likely to keep a constant countdown, checklist, or progress report in their head leading up to events or anticipated milestones.
I really admire how this trait lends itself to a person’s ability to laugh in the face of the unexpected. And if they get knocked off course in pursuing their plans, they don’t exactly bend over backward to get back on track – they just find a different route to get where they’re going and keep on keeping on. When I’m in a fit because something hasn’t gone the way that I expected it to, it helps to channel that Prospecting power of flexibility.
3. The Way They Seize the Day
I am fully aware that I struggle to enjoy my life as much as I should while it’s happening. I get so caught up in maintaining my routine and thinking about how to make my dreams for the future (thanks, Intuitive trait!) become a reality that I genuinely struggle to embrace the present moment. Invitations for spontaneous adventures usually cause some kind of internal conflict. I have to make an effort to enjoy any pleasant but unexpected change in my schedule. Even then, part of my mind is stuck thinking about how to get done whatever got put off in the name of “living in the present tense.”
Prospecting personality types, however, are so good at seizing the day. They are unlikely to hold themselves to their planned routine, opting to do what strikes their fancy instead. They are much more likely than Judging types to enjoy a spontaneous trip and probably consider a date “ideal” if it starts with someone asking, “So, do you want to go out tonight?”
And here I am getting stressed out by unexpected visitors!
With a background in early childhood development, I know that spontaneous play is essential for developing youngsters’ confidence, patience, creativity, and even independence. It’s the foundation of all learning! So what changes when we become adults? It’s not like spontaneity suddenly stops being good for us, and the research is there to prove it. When we lack spontaneity in our lives, anxiety, depression, and other mental health symptoms are likely to increase. Knowing this helps me go with the flow, but it takes real effort. For Prospecting types, it’s just how they are.
Balance Is Key
Yes, my Judging trait tested at 97%, but that doesn’t mean that it has to be unbalanced, causing me unnecessary complications. It does mean, however, that I have to make a very conscious effort to keep myself in check and look beyond my natural tendencies to develop the awareness that I need to find balance.
I deeply appreciate how my Judging nature has pushed me through life. I’ve accomplished many of my goals and feel like I am on track to achieve many more. I’m proud of the way that I get things done. But the study of personality theory has been undeniably helpful in allowing me to understand perspectives and ways of doing things that are different from my own. With these insights, I can continue to grow and be a better partner, parent, friend, and coworker to those Prospecting personality types – or even other Judging types who are less ridiculously Judging than I – in my circle of friends and loved ones.
The three points discussed above are just a starting place for me. I’ll continue exploring the Prospecting trait as part of my process of personal growth.
And I invite you to do the same. Maybe you don’t need to delve into this particular trait, but it might be helpful to ask yourself which aspect of your personality might benefit from exploring the other end of the spectrum for the sake of intentional rebalancing. Which particular personality trait do you find yourself struggling with? Let us know in the comments.
Further Reading
- If you are ready to dive deep into your own process of personal growth, consider our premium Guide to Personal Growth for your personality type!
- Explore all of your traits in depth with our free Trait Scholar tool.
- Prospecting Personality Types: Adulting Superpowers and Projects
- Judging Personality Types: Adulting Superpowers and Projects
- How Personality Type Theory Saved My Social Life