性格类型和爱情语言:执政官(ESFJ)|了解自己16人格 --- 性格类型和爱情语言:执政官(ESFJ)| 16人格

















调情还创造了身体亲密的机会。超过 76% 的执政官表示,他们会通过身体接触公开表达——明显高于任何其他哨兵性格类型。但有趣的来回身体调情只是这种爱语言的一种表现方式。执政官也倾向于牵手和拥抱,认为这种深情的触摸对于向伴侣传达爱非常有效。


How Consuls Receive Love

Because Consuls are such givers, it’s easy for their efforts to be taken for granted. They don’t always expect reciprocity and are likely to downplay the importance of the things that they do for their partner. On top of that, their attentiveness and thoughtful actions are not typically motivated by the need for praise or reward. All of these tendencies may unfortunately result in them feeling underappreciated. This is why they light up – and feel valued and loved – when they are given the recognition and appreciation that they deserve.

These personalities have a strong need to receive affection. For people who love Consuls, it’s important to remember this and to regularly demonstrate loving feelings by focusing plenty of time and attention on their partner and the relationship as a whole.

Recognition and Appreciation

Consuls genuinely feel good about going out of their way for their partner. Even if what they do falls into the realm of sacrifice, they do it willingly and with a sense of purpose. One of the single most powerful ways to let them know they are loved is to really see these kind acts for what they are and lovingly acknowledge the person behind them. Expressing recognition and appreciation to someone with this personality – either subtly or in the most overt and celebratory way – will reach straight to their heart.

A direct compliment accompanied by a heartfelt “I love you” will undoubtedly be well received, but consider offering a bit of public praise every now and then as well. Writing a sentimental and appreciative post on social media or voicing a well-timed compliment in front of friends or family will likely feel extra special, leaving these sentimental Extraverts vibrating inside.

Time and Attention

Consul personalities have a strong desire for connection, and nothing quite builds the bonds of love and trust like having fun with their partner. They deeply enjoy the intimate companionship that relationships offer. They don’t exactly expect their significant other to dedicate all of their free time to them, but they do tend to have a penchant for tradition and all that it entails when it comes to romance – which often means spending plenty of time together.

People who love Consuls can clearly communicate their love and wholehearted dedication to the relationship simply by finding plenty of time to be present in it. Remember, for these personalities, actions often speak louder than words. They probably aren’t waiting for their partner to take on any extra work (they’ve got that covered), but they are likely hoping for an evening bike ride, a cuddle on the couch, or a good conversation over dinner. Bonus points if the quality time together can include their friends.


It’s important to remember that the love languages presented in this article are not necessarily the default preferences for every Consul out there. So rather than think of this new information as a guide, consider it a jumping-off point for an important conversation with your significant other. Honest and open discussion is the only way to explore this topic in a manner that is relevant to your individual relationship.

If you’re a Consul – or if you love one – we invite you to share your insights about how the unique characteristics of this personality type influence your love language preferences in a comment below.

Further Reading