金钱、人际关系和人格特质第一部分:信念、态度和行为了解自己16人格 --- 金钱、人际关系和性格特征(第一部分):信仰、态度和行为 | 聊城市









  1. 对支出、储蓄、个人债务和夫妻债务的态度相互矛盾

  2. 财务“作弊”,或向您的伴侣隐瞒支出

  3. 财务目标不明确或不一致




近 90% 的灵活型人士证实,他们通常更喜欢随心所欲,而判断型人士的这一比例约为 43%。现在我们来看看这个问题:“您在花钱时通常会遵守预算吗?”来自我们的“您有多节俭?”民意调查










Despite the fact that around 97% of all personality types believe that it’s important to be seen as trustworthy, nearly 35% are willing to sacrifice honesty for the sake of being polite. This is particularly true for people with a strong Feeling personality trait or Turbulent Identity. Diplomats, who all share the Feeling trait, are much more likely to avoid telling the truth in order to keep the peace.

The Thinking trait, however, is also a good indicator of a person’s willingness to tell a lie. Only about 41% of Analysts (who share the Thinking trait), for example, claim that they never deceive others. If you flip that statistic, nearly 60% of them are willing to tell a lie, especially if it were to benefit them directly. Thinking types are also much more likely to admit that they would manipulate some people if it meant getting ahead. Nearly 80% of Entrepreneurs (ESTPs), for example, say they might be willing to twist the truth if it helped them meet their goals.

So Feeling personality types might lie to avoid conflict, while Thinking types might just be trying to protect their interests. And while almost everyone agrees that honesty is best, a significant percentage of people are willing to bend the rules, no matter which Role they belong to.

Willingness to cheat in a financial sense brings consequences felt well beyond the budget. For the cheater, especially those Feeling and Turbulent types, anxiety and overthinking usually go hand in hand with keeping secrets. For the person having to deal with the financial infidelity, it may become a struggle to trust their partner in other aspects of their life together.

It would be dangerous to suspect that your partner may be more willing to lie or financially cheat based solely on their personality traits. Deceptive spending is more likely the consequence of a preexisting conflict around money than of any given personality trait. Fortunately, that sense of conflict can be mitigated by working to understand both your and your partner’s attitudes and tendencies around money management. With a heightened sense of understanding, it’s possible to foster a spirit of transparency and teamwork around shared finances.

Different Personalities, Different Goals, and Money Problems

Even if you and your partner understand each other’s unique money “mentality,” and there is absolute transparency and trust when it comes to finances within your relationship, problems can arise when you don’t share common goals.

Committing to a relationship where finances are mingled requires negotiation and agreement about what your goals and priorities are, both individually and as a couple.

Maybe one of you dreams of spending your retirement traveling the world, while the other dreams of moving to an off-grid cabin in the mountains. Or maybe one partner thinks it’s important to live in a certain kind of neighborhood or drive a certain kind of car, while the other places more importance on frugality and saving for their children’s future education expenses.

The responses provided in our “Marriage and Weddings” survey are telling. In it, we ask, “What is the most important thing for couples to agree on before marriage?” Given the options of financial planning, children, career goals, lifestyle, and “something else,” at the time of this writing, only about 12% of all respondents (across every personality type) feel that a financial management plan is a top priority. But if you think about it, every single one of the options provided in the survey directly impacts a couple’s spending. Disagreement on any one of them can create a potential sore spot in the relationship.

This isn’t to say that when you enter a partnership, all of your goals have to be shared. Each partner can and should have their own passions and dreams. But, as a couple, you have to be in agreement on the big picture. Only when each of you is clear about the other’s individual aspirations and mutually agreed upon priorities is it possible to create a financial game plan as a team. This allows both of you to accomplish what you envision for the future – and avoid conflict in the meantime.

Self-Awareness and Mutual Growth Equals Fewer Money Problems

When trying to solve the money problems that you have in your relationship, it’s helpful to start by recognizing whether – and how – you and your partner are dealing with any of these three critical money issues. From there, you can use personality theory to help identify your financial strengths and recognize your weaknesses, both as individuals and as a couple.


